20 Cleaning Tasks to do in 5 Minutes

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Are you looking for an easy way to clean in a small amount of time? Here are some tips for 20 Cleaning tasks to do in 5 minutes or less.

I love a clean home, don’t you? But keeping a home neat and tidy can be a real chore (pun intended). After all, there are really so many more important things to do, like taking a moment for yourself, having a conversation with your spouse, or reading stories to your children. More important things should never be at the mercy of less important things, but of course we have to spend some time cleaning because just imagine the chaos if we didn’t. I value tidiness a lot, because I know that I personally thrive in an orderly space, but I also know that it is good for my family. 

Simplify Your Cleaning Process

Over the years, I have tried several approaches to cleaning, and I have found that the best, most effective way to keep my home relatively neat most of the time is to keep things simple.

One of the biggest reasons people give for not cleaning their homes is time. Most of the time, we don’t have two hours to spend scrubbing the bathroom from top to bottom, or emptying out the entire pantry, so we just keep putting it off until it just gets too bad to ignore.

But what if every basic cleaning task could be done in less than ten minutes or even less than five! It would be much easier to find the time, right? Believe it or not, is is actually possible! It just means letting go of perfection, and making things as simple as possible.

Simplifying means dividing big jobs into the smallest possible increments. When you have a minute while your toddler is on the potty, grab a cloth and some multipurpose cleaner and wipe down the sink (I try to keep a few simple cleaning supplies close to where I will be using them, to make this easier). If you have a minute while you are waiting for your meat to brown on the stove, open your fridge and see if there is anything you need to toss. You don’t have to wait until you have time to clean your entire fridge, I promise! 

homemade bathroom cleaner and kitchen cleaner sitting on a counter with a scrub brush for doing cleaning tasks fast

10 Cleaning Tasks You Can Totally Tackle in 5 Minutes or less

There are hundreds of cleaning tasks you can do to keep your house a little cleaner, but who wants to think of all the cleaning duties. If we cleaned our houses constantly we would become burnt out. To simplify doing little tasks in small spurts of time will help us keep our houses clean without the overwhelm. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Grab a cloth and wipe down a cabinet door or two. 
  2. Polish one or more of your appliances.
  3. Wipe down your countertops. 
  4. Wipe one shelf of your fridge.
  5. Sweep just one room.
  6. Vacuum just one room or a portion of one room.
  7. Dust one surface.
  8. Wipe down just one door or door handle.
  9. Wipe down just one window.
  10. Wipe down a small section of baseboard.
  11. Fold or hang a few items of laundry.
  12. Switch one load of laundry.
  13. Throw away a few items of junk mail.
  14. Clean the bathroom mirror. 
  15. Scrub the toilet bowl.
  16. Wipe the toilet lid.
  17. Wipe the toilet base.
  18. Wipe one wall of your shower.
  19. Grab a cloth and spot mop. 
  20. Tidy kid books.

Keeping a House Clean Every Day of the Week

I am by no means perfect at this, and I find myself falling into the old habit of not doing a task at all, because I don’t have time to do it perfectly, but I am working on it, and it has really done wonders for me. I hope it will do the same for you

Try these 20 cleaning tasks to do in 5 minutes and let us know how they work for you!

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