Finding Joy in Daily Chores

Are you finding it hard to actually finding joy in daily chores? Do you ever feel like you are running around like a hamster on a wheel, constantly busy, constantly doing chores, but never seeming to be able to accomplish anything of lasting impact?

As moms who are striving for a least some sense of peace and order in our homes, it can seem like daily chores take over our days, and that the tasks we need to accomplish are endless. And in a sense, they are. After all, we need to eat every day.

We need clean clothes, and the fact that we are living in our homes means that they will routinely need to be cleaned and set in order. As long as we are alive and well, we will have things that we want and need to accomplish, and that’s a good thing. The problem is, it is too easy to fall into a rut; instead of feeling the joy and vibrancy of life, we feel the grind of seemingly constant chores and tasks.

Luckily, even though your “to do’s” will never be all done, there are several ways to make them more fun and enjoyable. 

How Do You Find Joy in Everyday Tasks?

Live in the present

When it comes to chores, it is easy to just get into the habit of rushing through them, so that we can get to the next thing that we need to do. The problem with this is that we spend a good deal of our life working, and no matter how mundane, we want our work to be fulfilling and enjoyable, or at the very least, not miserable.

Life goes by really fast, so by wishing away certain times of our lives, such as times when we are doing a job we don’t relish, we are essentially wishing away periods of our life. The hard times of life need to be lived, just as the good times. The ironic thing is, that by embracing whatever time we are in, instead of wishing it away, it can suddenly become less irksome and more joy filled.  

Involve your kids

Child mopping the floor helping mom enjoy daily chores

A lot of the time, it’s way faster to just do things yourself, rather than involving your kids, especially if they are little. Even older kids might not do things to your satisfaction, and so you may fall into the temptation of not asking them to help.

Your kids don’t have to be involved in EVERYTHING, but involving your kids in the chores can be a good learning experience for them, as well as a way for you to enjoy bonding with your kids.

Don’t Stress the Mess

You can easily go through the entire day, just picking up. And no matter how quickly you go, there will often be a trail of destruction behind you. Rather than incessantly tidying, have set times, such as nap-time or bed-time when you routinely get the house back in order (ideally with the help of your kids).

If you know that you have routines to help your house get back into order, you will be less worried about toys strewn about the house in the meantime. Of course there will be exceptions – times when the situation just calls for a clean up. Set a timer for a short period of time, and do as much as you can, and save the rest for the set clean up times.

Where Can I Find Joy in the Little Things?

Find ways to make tasks more enjoyable, even if they take a little longer

There are ways to make almost any job less of a grind. Consider turning a giant pile of dishes into a time to listen to an audio book. Turn diaper changes into tummy tickle time with your baby (after the mess has been dealt with of course). If you have a giant stack of paperwork you need to sort, turn on some relaxing music, and make yourself a cup of tea.

Most of the time it doesn’t matter if something takes a little longer, as long as it is more enjoyable. The weird thing is, sometimes when you decide to enjoy something rather than simply rushing through it, it can end up taking less time, becuase you are more focussed and in the zone. 

Find ways to go faster, and set a time challenge for yourself

This one might sound a bit contradictory to living in the moment and slowing down to enjoy things, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes it can be fun and invigorating to challenge yourself to complete a task within a certain time frame. It can be enjoyable to put on some upbeat music, and see how much you can get done in a short time. 

Enjoyable coffee and a book -

Take a break

While there are ways to make work more fun and enjoyable, sometimes we simply need to take a break. Work is good, but we also need to take time to relax. I don’t mean falling on the couch in exhustion at the end of the day, and vegging out to a TV show (although this can be fun, and has its place), but actually doing something that is relaxing in a rejuvenating way, such as visiting with your spouse, taking a bath, or reading a book. Much more than TV, these sorts of things will actually help you to restore your peace and energy. 

Conclusion to Finding Joy in Daily Chores

We can view work as a burden, but ultimately it is deeply woven into the fabric of our lives. Some of my favorite childhood memories occurred while I was working with a parent or sibling. Our chores can be a wonderful opportunity and a gift, rather than something just to make it through.

I hope the ideas in this article “Finding Joy in Daily Chores” will inspire you to find new ways to make the daily tasks of life more fun-filled and joyful.

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